
Brighton & Hove Golf Club

BHGC Code of Conduct

Brighton and Hove Golf Club is committed to providing an environment that is free of discrimination, harassment and intimidation for members, employees and guests.

All Members and Visitors are reminded that an acceptable standard of behaviour must be maintained at all times both on the Course and within the Clubhouse.

Unacceptable behaviour towards a member of staff will not be tolerated and disciplinary procedures will be considered in all cases.

On the course

All golfers must:

  • Avoid slow play, apply Ready Golf principles and allow other golfers to play through as appropriate, waving the following group through when searching for lost balls and maintaining the speed of play by keeping up with the group in front.
  • Adhere to the dress code and R&A and local rules of the course.
  • Demonstrate fair play both on and off the course.
  • Always follow established golf etiquette respecting the course, such as repairing pitch marks, replacing divots and raking bunkers.
  • Show the necessary respect to fellow golfers at all times, which incorporates: no shouting on the course, no misuse of equipment (i.e. throwing clubs in frustration etc.), no aggressive behaviour.
  • Act in a sportsmanlike manner and not knowingly cheat or disrespect employees, officials or fellow players.
  • Switch mobile phones to silent on the golf course for use in emergencies only.

In the Clubhouse

Members, guests and visitors are reminded that:

  • Any form of discrimination, harassment or intimidation is regarded as unacceptable behaviour.
  • Consumption of excessive quantities of alcohol is not permitted by law. Please do not be offended if service is refused.
  • The use of foul or abusive language such as swearing has no place in the Clubhouse and any person heard using unacceptable or offensive language will be asked to either stop or leave the premises.
  • Smoking or the use of e-cigarettes is not permitted within any of the Club buildings.
  • The taking of illegal substances will incur immediate suspension and loss of membership.

Complaints and Protests

Complaints may be made by any person including a competitor, member, visiting guests, other associated golf club members and members of the public.

Complaints must be made in the first instance to the Brighton and Hove Golf Club Secretary within three working days of the matter occurring. These must be then followed up in writing in an acceptable time-frame.

Once received, the complaint will be referred to the Management Committee which will appoint a Disciplinary Secretary to investigate the offence and determine whether further action is required. If such action is required, the matter will be dealt with in accordance with the Club’s Disciplinary Procedure.

This Code of Conduct is applicable to all Members of the Golf Club, Guests and Visitors.

Course Address

Brighton & Hove Golf Club
Devils Dyke Road

Get in touch

Tel: 01273 556482
Pro Shop: 01273 556482

Latest News

Greens Frost Policy

Wednesday 1st January 2025

This article explains the BHGC Greens Frost Policy and how tee bookings will be managed. The rolling 30-minute tee time adjustment outlined in the policy will also apply to course closures due to fog or other weather conditions.

intelligentgolf app

Saturday 1st April 2023

Members can access key club information via the intelligentgolf app, available for iPhone and Android. This allows easy access to your competition data, upcoming games of golf and much more.

Created by intelligentgolf version 10.1.2.